Ring fencing stock from some Origins

Ring fencing gives you the ability to hold back stock from some Origins/Channels.

This is particularly useful when you have e-commerce and wholesale channels sharing the same inventory location and you wish to avoid the wholesale channel from taking a product out of stock on your e-commerce channels when a large order is placed.

To hold back stock from ALL origins checkout safety stock instead.

Once a ring fence is configured the "ring fence quantity" will be deducted from the "inventory quantity" when syncing stock levels with the selected Origin. This will also apply to bundles & size variants.

Setting a ring fence will not immediately update the stock levels at the Origin. This will only change when the inventory next changes. To force this through use the Re-Sync origins button in the inventory pages.

1. Click "Products" from within the Products menu

2. Search for the products you want to ring fence

3. Click "View"

4. Click "Ring-Fencing"

5. Click "Add Ring Fence"

6. Choose a stock location

7. Choose an Origin (this is the Origin you want to prevent stock going to)

8. Enter the quantity you want to ring fence

9. Click "Save"

Repeat steps 5 onwards to add ring fences to additional Origins/Channels.

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