Updating by Import

It is possible to mass update Products, Contacts & Staff via imports.

The templates remain the same for both import and update and can be downloaded here

When performing updates we recommend only including the fields you wish to update. This reduces the risk of accidentally updating something in error.

If a field is omitted from an update the original value is used

When updating products, the only mandatory field is the SKU which must match a valid product SKU. The SKU supplied must be the primary SKU and not an additional SKU

When updating Contacts or Staff an identifier (id) field is required. To obtain the id fields you first need to perform an export of the data.

If you wish to empty a field then include it in the update sheet and leave the value blank. If an empty field has been supplied for a mandatory value, Planufac will either use the original value or replace it with a default value.

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