
Permissions grant access to functions within Planufac. Permissions are assigned to roles and roles are assigned to users.

You can grant as many permissions to each role as you like, however to keep things simple it's sometimes better to grant grouped permissions to roles and assign multiple roles to users who need extra access.

As an example, you may wish for users to only have access to inventory functions so you can create an inventory role with some/all of the inventory related permissions and assign it to any users who should have access.

Whilst this list of permissions can look daunting, in most cases it follows some simple rules:


  • Module - Shows which part of Planufac it relates to (Compliance, Planning, Manufacturing, Inventory) the default module is for global functions
  • Action - This is the permission you are granting. The first part relates to a particular section of Planufac, the second part relates to the secondary action (see below)

Secondary Action

  • .index - is the main page or list of entries within it
  • .create - allows a user to create a new entry
  • .edit - allows a user to edit an entry
  • .destroy - allows a user to delete an entry

Some primary actions have additional secondary actions. As an example, the users actions include a users.primary action for allowing the change of the primary administrator

Administrator Role

The administrator role is created for you when you create your account. This role always has access to everything within Planufac.

Changing Roles

Each of your roles are shown across the top of the permissions table. Simply click on the role you wish to modify and the table will load with the current permissions.

Granting/Revoking a permission

Clicking the toggle switch next to the permission will grant/revoke that permission from a role. The toggle will say "on" when the permission is granted and "off" when it is not. You will only see the toggle switches if your role has permission to do so.

We recommend granting all .index permissions to the default role. Except some of the business sensitive default permissions (plans, permissions, roles etc.) and give all users the default role (this grants them read only access to everything). Then build additional roles to enhance their access.

You may wish to grant access to all actions for certain functions within (Calendars for example) to the default role.

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